The 21st ICC Conference will discuss and explore how Cereals and Pulses can drive the Transformation of the Food System. Topics of the complete food chain, from field to fork, are covered.
The conference committee invites participants from around the world and encourages in particular the “young generation” to present their research and ideas.
Please find below a list of topics for which we welcome abstracts:
I Crop production, agricultural policy and global supply chain
Environmental influences, effects of climate change on cereal production, Sustainability of cereal products, quality of raw material, grain storage
International trade and supply chains
II Biodiversity, Food Security and Food Resilience
Novel and Ancient Grains, Pseudocereals, Legumes
III Nutrition and Health of Grains and Pulses
Physiological properties
Health benefits
Allergies and Intolerances
Wholegrains (own session?)
IV Sociocultural dimension and role of cereals and pulses for food system transformation
How can cereal products support to meet the (new) dietary guidelines?
V Processing and food products
Technological innovations, conventional processing (milling, baking, pasta), Emerging technologies,
Innovative cereal products, Novel utilisation of cereal and legume proteins
VI Food safety, quality and analytical tools of grains and pulses
Innovations in quality characterization, New methods
Mycotoxins, antinutrients, contaminants,
VII Market Trends and Consumer Demands
Food trends, media, consumer perceptions
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